Callers are standing by to answer your questions about Garden Clubs of the World.
Callers are standing by to answer your questions about Garden Clubs of the World.
About Us
Gardens of the World Garden Club (GOT World GC) is a virtual garden club with no geographic residency requirement and no in-person meeting attendance as meetings are held virtually via Zoom. GOT World is a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (FFGC), Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC).
We meet all requirements to keep you in good standing if you cannot participate in a traditional garden club or your existing club has disbanded, and you risk losing your NGC credentials for flower show judging or maintaining credentials as an environmental, gardening, or landscape design consultant.
We encourage membership in a local club if one exists, as the virtual club experience is intended for people who live where no club exists or obstacles prohibits traditional membership.
Visit the Calendar page for scheduled meetings.
Why Virtual?
A virtual garden club allows you to participate in a garden club
if you cannot attend your local club that may meet during the day
if here are obstacles to attending a local club, such as transportation or there is no local club
because it is unique and enhances the experience of those who already enjoy local garden club affiliation
The joys of garden club include meeting others who share a common interest in plants, flowers, gardens, the environment and nature. GOT World welcomes anyone, anywhere, of any ability or age as long as they have internet to access Zoom, speaks English, and can meet in our time zone (Eastern Standard or Daylight time).
You may join GOT World as your primary garden club; however, if you are a member in good standing of any federated garden club(s), you may join us as a secondary (dual) garden club member. All opportunities and privileges of NGC and FFGC are open to members.
All you need to participate is an interest, computer access with a camera for virtual meetings, and a reliable sound system. You are invited to be our guest at your first meeting without joining. We invite you to continue attending by becoming a member. Click the Join Us button to join online.
Our meetings include presentations by member who volunteer to prepare a 20-30 minute program on relevant topics to the club, which are diverse. The presentation is followed by a business meeting.